Volunteer to Serve on the WSHLA Board of Trustees

WSHLA Board Nomination Application (information & application)

If you have ever thought, “I would love to volunteer with WSHLA!”  we would love to have you on the team. 

We are currently seeking nominations to fill a Trustee position on our Board.

  • Trustee –  VACANCY
    • Term of service: date of appointment through Spring 2026 (approximately 1.5 years)

Volunteers who share their time and expertise with other WSHLA members get plenty back:

  • Expand your professional network
  • Learn new skills
  • Gain leadership opportunities and recognition
  • Shape and influence the future of your state association
  • Experience the satisfaction of giving back to your profession
  • Comp'd registration to the PNW Medical Management Conferences (June 9-11, 2025 @ Hilton Vancouver Washington)


The WSHLA Board of Trustees is responsible for setting the overall policy and direction of the associaiton. This governing body is tasked with setting the annual goals including activities, events, education and conferences and overseeing the committees to further the mission of WSHLA and serve its members.

None of the positions require a great deal of personal time. Estimated time commitment includes on average 3-4 hours per month, consisting of but not limited to: 6 bi-monthly Board Meetings via Zoom or in-person (rotates), volunteering at our annual conference June 9-11, 2025; 2026 is TBD) and email communication. Current Board Members would be happy to talk with anyone interested in serving. Contact our Board with your questions.

Download WSHLA Board of Trustees Handbook


Interested candidates should complete the Candidate Profile Application below. It must be completed by December 31, 2024.

To qualify to serve as a Trustee on the WSHLA Board, you must be an Active Member in good standing for a minimum one year and maintain your membership throughout your term.

Following the deadline for candidate submissions, the Board will review qualified candidates, conduct interviews and make an appointement to the vacancy.

We would love to have you on the WSHLA leadership team and look forward to receiving your candidate profile application form.

Name: *
Current Title & Organization: *
City: *
Phone & Email: *
Years in Current Position : *
Education / Highest degree earned / Certifications: *
Years of experience in Healthcare Field: *
Your Current Group size (# FTE Providers): *
Please describe any other personal or career achievements, organization leadership positions (civic, educational, charitable), or honors and awards received that you would like the nominating committee to know about you.: *
Curriculum Vitae, bio sketches and resumes can be uploaded as a supplement to this form but are not required.:
(Valid File Types: bmp,csv,doc,docx,eps,gif,jpeg,jpg,mfp,pdf,png,ppt,pptx,rft,swf,tif,txt,xls,xlsx | Maximum File Size : 1.0 MB)
I attest the information in my submission to be true and accurate.: *